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Your Mental Breakdown

Mar 25, 2021

Meredith swims a mile then she and Doug talk about Justice League. And the superhero talk continues with Drew taking to a Superman analogy - balancing the daily grind of a day job with using his own time to focus on his passions. Drew shows vulnerability with his girlfriend. He and Doug explore ways to relieve stress...

Mar 18, 2021

Meredith loves daylight saving time! Restaurants and movie theatres are opening up in LA now, but Doug is still trying to hide out like a mountain man. In Drew’s therapy session he talks about feeling burnt out and tired from his job. He is also using this time to define his boundaries and let people know when things...

Mar 11, 2021

Meredith and Doug discuss their take on working with clients that have different political views and ideologies than their own. It’s a great jumping-off point for this week’s session. Drew is trying to be the bridge for people in his life dealing with racial injustice and prejudice. Drew talks about...

Mar 4, 2021

Doug is back in LA and missing the mountains. Meredith realizes it may be time for all of us to get a car wash (especially Doug!). In the session, Drew and Doug get into a heavy conversation as Drew details how a party with his new girlfriend went way wrong. Drew shows major growth by choosing when to have and not have...