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Your Mental Breakdown

Apr 29, 2021

At the top of the show this week, Doug busts himself and Meredith for not following through AGAIN on shutting down their computers at night! They swap teenage closet stories (including Doug’s roaches!). The session begins with Drew sharing that he is moving back to a place in LA that he has lived before. He feels grateful for the comfort and familiarity of it,  rather than feeling like he is taking a step backward. Although he is making strides in becoming financially independent and showing up authentically in his relationships, Drew is still struggling with the anxiety of completely cutting the cord with his parents paying the bills. Doug ties in some pretty sweet sports analogies to help Drew see that it’s okay to let others know you are uncomfortable. Drew can see that there are a rainbow of possibilities out there rather than see everything as black or white.


Mentioned in this episode: 

The X-Files


Doug Friedman

Meredith Levy

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